
19 June 2018

Drawing Tuesday - domestic interlude

Not a museum this week, an "at home" - Janet K gave us free run of her workroom and art collection, and nearby were green spaces - so we all had a wonderful time. She also provided coffee and lunch!

Sitting at the table with my coffee I spotted some jolly cups
and remained there as they took shape on the page -

Jo was sitting at the other end of the table, copying part of a Paula Rego print on the wall -
This led to some homework - the assignment is simply to "copy something".

Up in the workroom, Janet's puppet collection (Ernie, Kermit, ?, Flat Eric) got a fair bit of attention, for instance from Michelle -
 Carol didn't quite have time to to add all the colours -
Janet K had drawn them some time ago -
 The sock monkey, by Janet B -

... and earlier, by Janet K - 

Out in the landscape (New River Walk) were Judith -
 Najlaa -
willow, cedar/cypress, and unknown
 and Mags -
...while Janet K found a tiny moment between fixing coffees and lunch to draw a corner of her container garden -

Extracurricular activities -

Janet B had been to another drawing session at the Royal Veterinary College -

Tool of the week -

Mags used brass rubbing crayons for the bark etc rubbings she found in the park
and then showed us her travelling painting kit - small watercolour box, big brushes, and a screwtop bottle for water -
Michelle later sent round this video about another "travelling kit" for sketchers - how to fit all the essentials into a not-very-large bag.

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