
22 July 2018

One thing leads to another


Sometime during the making of this panel (in a class at Camden Arts Centre) I remembered the big reel of rick-rack that came from a charity shop a year or two ago, and this morning I finally added some here & there, using white paint both to cover the painted red lines and to glue on the trim - two birds with one stone.

From an angle you can see that some areas are shiny (acrylic) and some are matte (gesso), without rhyme or reason, so work on this hasn't finished yet.
While refilling my coffee cup I noticed the pattern on the teatowel that's used to help keep the coffee jug warm -
 ... and drew out some ideas for stitching on pots -
 Two versions are on the way, the hexagon graph paper supported by sinamay -
It's an experiment - how will the clay interact with the paper layer?


  1. found the leaf panel interesting, one time my eye saw incised lines running NS more or less and then I shake my head and I see them as raised additions. Love the piece, so much with so little.

  2. These little pots seem to have a life if their own. I’m fascinated by the twists and turns of your thoughts and by the different forms emerging. How I wish I could see them in person!
