
11 July 2018

???! - photos etc

The day started well, though somewhat early, as I stitched away on this, that, and the other fabric pot, assembling a merry crew to take to the studio for dipping. The quiet of the morning was a good time to watch the BBC's three programmes on Scandinavian art, to see a few old paintings and some modern landscape etc from Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, and to hear a few stories about the painters and places.

All well and good - it got this far -
 At which point I made some more coffee and some toast, and got distracted by starting to clean the breadbox, and discovered that it has a label on the bottom -
It had been used at Tony's for several years - we found it at a car boot sale. I can't remember what we used before that ... or what I'd been using before it came back to the flat with me. Ahhhhh yes - early in his carpentry career,Tom had made a long narrow box, and I gave it a green undercoat and some silver gilding over that, looked quite nice! But this folksy breadbox is a more practical shape.

Somehow the faffing around with the breadbox led to faffing around with various plants, following on from a big repotting session a few days ago. It's a delight to see the tidy window ledge and the foliferous window boxes. Some calibrachoa from last year have seeded themselves - also known as Million Bells, they're a prolific bloomer and look like tiny petunias - there's a dark pink bloom on the right. They're not the ones with the blotchy leaves, haven't found out what those are yet, but they too appeared spontaneously -
One distraction led to another, until the best part of four hours had been spent on trying to get the phone to back up yesterday's google photos to The Cloud, so that I can access them from the computer (rather than phone) and use them on this blog. At some point in the morning - while I was blogging a quite different topic - the backup stopped -- result: much confusion! Now, having researched this extensively andhaving tried all the easy, non-threatening things, I seem to need to reboot the google app. Which, after all the coffee consumed in the interim, I'm not in a fit state to do. (It's probably really straightforward....??)

While deleting about 100 photos - space is getting low - I had a scare about whether the pix also deleted themselves from Instagram, as they weren't there when I checked ... but what had happened was, they hadn't been put there in the first place! Whatever the reason, that sort of experience can knock your confidence, so further improvements will have to wait. (If you're having the a similar problem, here's a site with step by step instructions on how to free up space on an android phone.)

Archiving all the photos seems like a no-brainer and will free up 70GB ... but I want to know more about how to access the archive.  Gosh, a "digital native" would just do it and worry about the rest if they need to - they'll trust that it will all be fine. For some of us, a lifetime of caution has set those habits in stone.

A few pix did get backed up (and are on Instagram, sorry to be repetitious) - landscapes made of pots. They look quite good in the various colours...

... and will look quite different in white with a touch of black. Eventually.

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