
21 August 2018

Drawing Tuesday - Maritime Museum

The floor patterns in the central room of the Queen's House caught my eye, but I didn't rise to the challenge of drawing them in perspective. The shapes in the central area were - are! - challenge enough -
The central section didn't turn out all that well - it might be easier with instruments (there are 32 sections) - compass, protractor, ruler....
Even the straightforward sections had their challenges - but that's the value of observational drawing, looking closely and figuring how it all goes together. There's always something new to see.

Elsewhere things went better. Jo was focussing on the "danger of slipping" sign but the boat is the dynamic element here -
 Sue went up the hill to the observatory -
Helen found a subject sitting still, texting -
Janet K tackled a row of figureheads, and added colour at home -

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