
07 August 2018

Drawing Tuesday - Vestry House Museum, Walthamstow

In "the village", the oldest part of Walthamstow (the church was founded in the 12th century), the museum is housed in an 18th century building with a modern extension, and has a warren of rooms and a wide range of artefacts on display.

I found some intriguing candle snuffers (in the middle is a flint and striking steel) - actually they don't put the candle out, but trim the wick so that the candle burns better -

and also a strange object - forgot to photograph it, but can you guess what it might be? It's  made of glass -
It turns out to be a Victorian fly trap. The idea is to reach underneath and smear honey or syrup around the rim of the central area. Left standing, this attracts flies, which then can't get out (they fly upward toward the light). Presumably they eventually perish and can be emptied out via the stopper at top. Brilliant - this could be so useful at picnics during wasp season!

Judith confessed that she sometimes wasn't sure whether she was drawing tone or colour difference in the courtyard scene -
Janet carefully drew the sewing machine (bottom) - then, at the top, gave it a personality -
Carol found some "belly up" wheelbarrows -
Among several drawings including some splendid trees (they can be seen in Sue's picture below), Jo's toy, dating to 1925, had lost the zebra's legs, so it was supported by a piece of perspex -
 Sue found perspective -
 Extracurricular activities

More "homework" was handed in ... examples of stairs
Carol found many types of steps in a playground

The circular staircase in the temperate house
at Kew Gardens attracted Sue
 Janet went to the New River Path and tried out different ways of rendering foliage, using (but not wetting) watersoluble crayons -
Sue had been to a day's course on cyanotype -

 Tool of the week - watersoluble crayons

 In the neighbourhood - We found a pleasant deli on Orford Road -
This mural, on the way to the tube station, is part of the Wood Street Walls project -
All in all, with Walthamstow only three stops away on the Victoria Line, I wondered why I don't go there more often....

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