
03 August 2018

The "prints" gallery at the RA Summer Exhibition

Yinka Shonibare's work - the girl with the teetering column of books - caught the attention of many people, but I noticed that few looked at the "titles" of the books.
Instead of titles, they were the names of artists - Rose Wylie, Fiona Banner, Rebecca Warren, etc etc -
 All looking very 19th century ...
A man in an orange shirt, noticing me loitering there, asked why the titles of the books were all names of women... That the artists in the teetering stack were all women was something that hadn't registered with me. But he thanked me for introducing him to an artist new to him.

Also of interest was this series by Jim Dine - huge woodcuts on his theme of tools -
 with this little fellow appearing again and
 again -
 Cornelia Parker's "black square" (cf. Malevich) was back again. Actually it's called Stolen Thunder -
But my serious favourite was these two pieces by Ian McKeever, so simple and satisfying (a print offshoot, I think, of Henge Gouache, 2017)-

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