
16 September 2018

Art coincidence of the collage kind

Near King's Place is a new (to me) gallery, the Sid Motion Gallery. I was passing, yesterday, and popped in. 

This morning, as I was diddling about on the internet, a link to pix by one of the exhibitors popped up. I had liked this grainy, benjay-dot pix well enough in the gallery to snap it there, but it does look better on the website! -
Here's another of Hannah Hughes's "Flatland Series", this time in colour -
Read about how she makes these photographic collages, here

Abigail Hunt's "The last place, finally, is occupied, quite simply" (2012) is both on the wall and off the wall....

Her collages, too, use magazine sources, often replacing text, eg captions, with blank paper -

1 comment:

  1. I read the Financial Times article with incredulity mounting - perhaps what I would have acquired at art college would have been the art-speak rather than the art!
