
08 September 2018

Drawing Room summer school - day 5, Friday

Before class I rubbed some "mappish" backgrounds and experimented with ways of incorporating the romanesque churches of Cologne into this mythical grid -

 Lots of rubbing onto this long piece of rice paper -
 Surrounded by people doing exciting, stretching drawings, I felt less and less happy as the day went on and I was "only" doing my "little books" -

 but "working on the wall" behind me didn't seem to be an option, not in a spready-outy way, which is what I sort of wanted to do....
So, the tables being quite narrow, I commandeered some chairs and spread out onto those -
Working up to the very last minute, to use that long sheet of rice paper -
The bookshop was open for business as "the show" - with input from Mary and Kate, founders of the Drawing Room -

 Work rolled into a tube and slung over my shoulder, I walked into town
to find out about Homo naledi, a recently discovered early human - how did their bones come to be in those remote areas of the caves, with all their constrictions...?

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