
18 September 2018

Drawing Tuesday - Frieze Sculpture

It was a blowy day in Regent's Park but we toughed it out.

This sculpture was gripping and grim -

 so I headed for the bright one -

 but on the way saw some busy pigeons
 and was intrigued by the "clumps of hair", which turned out to come from the artichokes. I had brought a pot of ink, and wondered if they could be brushes -
 Short answer, yes; and bits of stem were useful too (bronze tree with vulture ("the critic") by Elmgreen & Dragset) -
 Artichoke, drawn with its own materials -
 Turning to the sculpture....
 each facet was drawn with a different natural tool -
 The final few minutes produced "artichoke in the forest" -
 Michelle and Judith both drew "the black figures" (Senzenina) -

 Judith and Janet K were attracted to Laura Ford's Dancing Clog Girls (note the fur aprons) -

 Michelle also found Alice  (Seer by Kiki Smith, 2005) -
 Janet K had started with the Barry Flanagan hare-on-anvil -
 Carole immersed her attention in the park's ornamental planting -
Jo used wax resist and graphite for the background of Richard Wood's Holiday Home -
The sculptures are in Regent's Park till 7 October. A short introductory video is here.

1 comment:

  1. the movement and freedom expressed in the artichoke drawing .... drawn with artichoke parts is stunning, love love love it.
