
01 September 2018

Friday late

It took me all morning to get out the door - I started a little sewing project that will be revealed in due course (it's a present and has a long way to travel) - but on the way to the studio, via a slightly different route, this had me stumped:
The aim with "tree pits" is usually to plant nice things around the tree ... but as it's a dead tree, perhaps an upsurge of weeds is totally appropriate. As for the floral crown, it's probably getting lots of organic impetus from the rotting wood?

After not-long-enough at the studio it was off to the V&A for the Friday Late.
I was after "the buzz" rather than any specific activities - meeting a friend, seeing lots of late-museum-goers in all their fashion-able variety, getting ears blasted by music in several places,
Cool music in the courtyard

"This Hair of Mine" - a nuanced portrait of African
women through the connecting thread of hair, in "the
room that is all cupboards" (rm 110)
We did spend time in the Jameel Prize gallery, and the shop, but mostly it was a chance to drink and chat in an "interesting" place. Hurrah for museums that provide this sort of evening - it's part of the whole new image. (Fewer items on display, often - but more going on.)

Walking home from the tube I came upon lots of blue lights, big trucks, and bystanders -
 ... and hoses in the street, and eating and drinking carrying on as usual, just a Friday night in the 'hood -

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