
02 September 2018

Natural mark-making

Walking in the park, I picked up some pine needles - long ones and short ones - and a couple of partly degraded pinecones for good measure. 

Tied up, mostly with masking tape (hmm, how long will that last?) they have been added to my collection of natural drawing materials ... with the hazel charcoal (repaired with masking tape where part broke off) in the mix, for good measure.
 Some mark-making ensued...
 And I found a pebble at the bottom of the bag when I unpacked the shopping, so tried it for mark-making on some cardboard that coincidentally was heading for the recycling ...
With the ink (and a "regular" paintbrush) to hand, it became this -
 which led to more mark-making on other bits of brown paper ...
Quick and dirty fun. Not worth keeping, but instructive in their simplicity.

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