
29 September 2018

Studio Saturday

What with one thing and another this week, such as not being able to use the camera on my phone ("low on memory"), not only have I not been to the studio, apart from a short visit late on Friday, but the production at home hasn't been photographed.

Record keeping is in a mess - images are needed, and it's not easy to tell from the written description which ones they might be; hence the need for a quick trip to see what was on hand and which pots missed out on being documented.

The forms I use have been updated, now that I know what info is needed, in what order, and they are easier to use. But I'm wondering if my coding/identification system could be simpler (ie, less confusing).

I'm thinking about how to collate the photos of an individual pot to show it at various stages. And - how to get good photos of the fabric pot and the finished pot, so that they could be used in further projects.

Also I'm thinking about the idea of transformation or metamorphosis, in terms of having a conceptual basis for these objects.

In fact it's more relaxing (is that the right word? less pressurised) to be involved in the making - the sewing, the dipping, the etc - than to have all these thoughts rattling around all the time!

Making continues, and on Friday I was able to take a few photos...
Halfway there for the new fabric pots

All in a dither for keeping track of what was done with which

This one needs its "passport photo"

These four were dipped last week but have no record

Oh crikey, which was which, or was one something different altogether?
After a lifetime of working in admin in some way, or jobs that need a degree of organisation and paper-shuffling, I find myself daunted ... if this was a paid job, I'd surely be sent for re-training by now! Or "moved sideways"...

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