
09 October 2018

Drawing Tuesday - Army museum

Sidewalk mural outside the museum -
My chosen object - a nasty and brutish thing called a caltrop, scattered on the ground to deter the enemy's cavalry -

The shadows of other objects needed to be in the scene

I used a rather filthy putty rubber to clean(?) up a page
on which to draw the guidon (regimental flag) that had first
caught my eye

Motifs and fringing on the flag
Janet K's rendition of a horse skeleton and Napoleon...

... and part of a costume
 Sue's combatant with all his gear -

and searchlights from a poster
 Judith's Napoleon -

... and some bits of costume
 Najlaa's flag -

... and suit of armour
 Janet B's rather disturbing statue -

... and some down-to-earth boots

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