
31 October 2018

Saw this and...

... wanted to make one immediately! 
By Erica Waaser (via)

Is it a traditional quilt, or is it "contemporary"? The slight irregularity in the pattern might remove it from the traditional category... as might the colourway.

And it's the colours that appeal to me. Though - "tone does the work and colour gets the credit" - it's the dark/light contrast, and the distribution of the slightly different shades of light and dark, that works the magic. 

I also like that it's made of plain fabrics, and am fantasising making one out of wool. 


  1. That is a beautiful quilt and it would be fabulous in wool. Do you have wool in your stash? Are you thinking of making it in the same colors? My biggest concern would be the weight of the wool. I would think it would have to be a light weight wool with all those triangles and the seams intersecting.

  2. I love this quilt too Margaret. I made something similar in blues and oranges a long while back - it is simple yet also complex.

    I love the idea of it in wool

