
06 October 2018

Studio Saturday

 At home, I've been making tall (14cm) tubes of organza, cut on the bias and consisting of several layers. It'll be very interesting to see if they (a) dip well and (b) fire well - ie, the slip is consistent and thick enough, but not too thick (goldilocks pots?) -

 While travelling, the crochet continues; those pots start out about 7cm high and some stretch during dipping -
Clearing a bit of backlog - these are queuing for dipping -
A new ID system - work through the alphabet, how simple is that! It will help me, in a subtle way, to keep up to date with recording the info about each one -
 A-G have been dipped and are drying -
 Others, at home, are still "in progress" -
 These have gone to the studio to join the queue -
pleated and steamed organza

subtle touches of metallic thread, among the texture

gathered and steamed organza, with some metallic thread
5cm high, only
 27 pots are waiting to go in the kiln, if there's room -
 Once they come out and I take stock - and get the other 20 or so dipped and fired - how to "take it forward", what to focus on and aim for - will be clearer.

Meanwhile, at home some of my favourites finally found their way into the mirrored shelf that was "temporarily" put in the hall (just as the things around it were...) -
Making that arrangement has stirred up a flurry of thoughts about How To Display - thoughts that also feed into "how to take it forward". Ah, the joys of the creative process...!

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