
09 November 2018

Walk in woollyness

After experiencing the delicious comfort of alpaca hiking socks, I have a yen to knit some woolly socks, and indeed my stash contains rather a lot of 4-ply.
Enough for half a dozen pairs in jolly colour combinations, you'd think.

But an imp is driving the sock idea round and round in my head. I've looked up techniques and methods - magic loop or double-pointed needles? Start at the toe or start at the top? Knit both socks at once?

So it was off to the nearest wool shop - Knit With Attitude in Stoke Newington, which involves a stroll through two parks and along streets lined with vivid autumnal trees, all very pleasant.

Then came decisions - 4ply or DK? hand-dyed? solids? And the small matter of the price point... can't have them all ...
And whatever happened to my plan to "use what you have"??

Xmas is fast a-coming, and like my mother before me I get pleasure from making, rather than buying, gifts, be they ever so humble. Quite possibly the first of the socks will be stepped out in by feet other than mine.

Here's a basic pattern on double-pointed needles for various sizes of feet, knit from the top down. This pattern has a little ribbing at the sides ... or I might rib throughout. Step by step tutorial about the basics of sock knitting; others are available!


  1. I haven't knitted for decades but these look so tempting , comforting for my sore heels.

  2. I have never knitted socks. I bought two pairs of heavy wool socks a couple years ago and they are so comfortable! I will have to check out the links for the patterns. The yarn you already have will make some fun socks. Did you buy the yarn pictured in the last picture? What ply is it? I bought 10 - 12 skeins of gray wool yarn a couple years ago and haven't' done anything with it. I could knit a lot of gray socks!

  3. I'm a top down, DPN sock knitter, one at a time. Check out the Fish Lips Kiss Heel pattern at Ravelry. It's the only heel I'll ever knit again! Fits like a glove.
