
20 February 2019

Woodblock Wednesday - light, colour, towers

This week is half term at Morley - no class - and I've not done anything during the week, apart from following #mokuhanga and #woodblockprinting on Instagram. And keeping an eye out for likely subjects...

For instance, the illuminated tower at Imperial College has given me some colour ideas -

But what form would the tower take (and would it even be a tower...)? Another illuminated tower encountered recently was this one in Amiens in October -
... and of course there are thousands of images here.

Which brings to mind the tower that Yoko Ono designed for an island in Rejkyavik, in memory of John Lennon. This work of "land art"  was opened on 9 October 2007, John's 67th birthday. It's a simple upward beam of white light, modified only by Iceland's atmosphere and weather conditions. It's visible every year from 9 October till 8 December (the date of John's death), and from Winter Solstice (21 December) and into the morning of the New Year (1 January) as well as the first week of spring (20-27 March), the dates of John and Yoko’s wedding and honeymoon. The phrase "Imagine Peace" appears on it in 24 languages. You can add your wish via the Imagine Peace Tower website.

But I digress.

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