
27 February 2019

Woodblock Wednesday - review

Given the chance to talk about my work-so-far to the rest of the class, I jumped at it. A wonderful chance to gather, consider and review what I'd done so far.

This "slim pocket" folder from Muji  -
was helpful in organising the work, chronologically. It now contains all my prints and is fairly bulging. I chose a few from each course  - my subject matter seemed to change with each course - and considered what was noticeable, important, or missing for it. 

Unwanted marks - learning to print carefully

Combining different blocks to see what happens,
cutting blocks to augment those in use.
The idea of making "books"...

Various circles, and "floaty leaves". Spot the potential book...

Some sample books, juxtaposing two prints

Paired up ... for books...

Simple, direct marks ... does this have book potential?

Adding circles, and making a - book! - with
waxed paper and machine stitching

"Mountain prints" from the advanced course
 And this time, back to circles....
 ... and "floaty things" ....
The day's output. The circle was used as a resist; next time I'll print the circles first and the floaters later, and use lighter colours for the circles and darker for the bits...
Looking at the photo, I'm getting an idea for a ... book ...

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