
26 March 2019

Drawing Tuesday - Barbican Centre

Wandering around, I framed up some of the architectural features

 ... and it was the final three of these that, sat comfortably at a cafeteria table, I put into the sketchbook -
Judith sat outside drawing balconies -
 Carol worked quickly on these planters -
Jo found some books (3 for £5) at the nearby church - this drawing is from the one about the Picts and shows Daniel being gently pawed by some lions -
... and this is from the book about Italian Renaissance pottery -
 Sue, also outside, lost count of the floors on the highest high-rise -
 Tools etc

Judith made her new sketchbook from pastel paper of various shades -
 Jo used these brush pens (chinese ink) for her drawings -
 ... and she had used brush-tip felt pens on scraps of photo paper for some vivid small drawings -

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