
05 March 2019

Drawing Tuesday - William Morris Gallery

The William Morris Gallery, situated in his boyhood home inWalthamstow, is a new venue for us - we only just realised it was open on Tuesdays!

First, a look around at the current exhibitions - 

Graphics from the Cultural Revolution in China link to Morris, I suppose, via his socialist ideas.

When it came to sitting down to draw, I took a cue from this model -
and used circles as templates to "just play" -
 Elsewhere, a plethora (a committee??) of chairs - by Janet B -
 ... by Judith -
 ... by Sue -
 Janet K found a lithograph by Frank Brangwyn, 1890 -
Najlaa juxtaposed the black and white kimono, with its red neck, and a teapot -
And now some flowers ... Carol's hellebore -
 Joyce's textile was designed for Morris & Co by John Henry Dearle -
 Another flower design, by Judith -

Extracurricular activities -

Carol had no sooner drawn this display of bags outside a shop than she had an interesting conversation with a "bag lady" -
... and later she attended a life drawing session - these poses were 20 minutes each =

Janet K found that the gnarled old willow outside her window was greening, or is it yellowing -
 ... and Janet B had had another go at the architecture of King's Place -

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