
05 April 2019

Day of delights

A series of lists has been helpful in recent days to untangle the various strands of Life and keep tabs on the important(?) things that need doing -
 At times of low motivation or energy, having the necessary tasks written down, the night before, is so helpful in getting them done first thing in the morning. But I must guard against turning on the computer because there's often an email than needs not just reading but responding to, and that can lead down unexpected paths and take lots of time.

Perhaps the day's list should state "no computer before 10am"?

One event was a business meeting at the studio, which involved a shared lunch -
That sorted, I was off to coffee with a friend, who mentioned the green line from Old Street to Moorgate - we hopped on a bus to go see it, and indeed some of it has been cleared away -

Unexpected things encountered while walking west ...

Street art on Old Street -

 Jolly stools in a Clerkenwell design store -
 The tranquility of Clerkenwell Green -
 A plaque hidden behind a bus stop on Kings Cross Road -
 There was time for a drink before the talk at the British Library -

After the talk, a chance to have a quick look at the exhibition (more on that later?) and to encounter the sounds and lights and "gosh what is this all about" of the world's largest Algorave held in a national library(!) -
Home quite soon to find that a secret plumber had replaced my annoying kitchen tap (thank you Tom) -
All in all, an interesting, productive, varied, enlightening, friendly, explorative, relaxed, surprising, delightful day.

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