
10 May 2019

Flashback Friday

What a surprise to find this old photo in an envelope - it must have been 1970, in our apartment on Cornwall Street, Kitsilano, Vancouver - Roger in the butterfly chair and me in my suede miniskirt and crocheted vest -
It was the era of long hair. Even the xmas tree has long hair!

Less than a year later we were in England, and the rest is history, literally - eventually there was his history PhD (Cambridge), and our son too has a history degree (SOAS). As the working wife I found myself in the African Studies Centre in 1973-5, before we moved to Yorkshire and the baby arrived.

But back then I was working as a teacher in a residential school for deaf children, after a year's postgraduate training. And Roger was working in construction, as a cement finisher, saving up for his MA in Durham.

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