
17 May 2019

Flashback Friday

Another photo found in an envelope - "The Midnight Feed" -
October 1976, the baby is 3 months old. The parents are tired. It's hard to stay awake for the night feeds. I am reading science fiction...

We are living at 5 Dam Head, Holmbridge, in the underdwelling that we restored. Roger removed bucket after bucket of earth from what turned out to be a useful cella, and we made wine and beer down there - it was the 1970s and we were poor students, though living far from the comforts of college. 

I knew no other mothers until one day there was a knock on the door and an angel brought me a friend, and her children became my child's playmates. I spent so many lovely days in Caroline's cosy kitchen, my happiest memories of that time. 

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