
24 May 2019

Garden gifts

At last the sun was shining, yesterday, and it was warm (24 degrees, after a month of temps in the low teens or less). What a delightful day! Perfect for drastic gardening!

The lavender was about to block the path, and the rosemary was allegedly blocking the light - according to someone who has been known to stretch a point...
Two hours later, an objective third of the rosemary had been trimmed off and the best bits bagged up and left on the wall to "please take", and the lavender had been uprooted and put in a pot, in case it might blossom. Lots of "friendly daisies" had been trimmed, too -
and brought indoors for a birthday posy -
Then along came Sue with some nigella, which were speedily planted in a vacant corner -

A most satisfactory afternoon. 

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