
02 May 2019

Poetry Thursday - Celia Celia by Adrian Mitchell

Celia Celia

When I am sad and weary
When I think all hope has gone
When I walk along High Holborn
I think of you with nothing on

- Adrian Mitchell

Adrian Mitchell (1932-2008)was "a Hampstead-dwelling atheist and pacificist", according to The Telegraph's obituary. Celia Celia is his most famous love poem, and often quoted - it was written for his second wife, who he met in the 1960s.

Perhaps his best known poem is To Whom It May Concern, about the Vietnam War, which was first read in Trafalgar Square in 1964.
Looking east along High Holborn in 1955 (via)


  1. Such a beautiful poem. Wish the one I love, in a similar moment of despair would think of me similarly and feel better.

  2. I'd love a loved one to think of me like this too. Not family tho...
