
04 May 2019

Studio Saturday

One of the spurs to action on the home-studio-clearup front - if mere MESS wasn't enough! - was coming this book of photos of people's carefully untidy (or not) workspaces. It depressed me no end, and is headed for the charity shop.
 I set the time for 15 minutes
and with a bit of redistribution of boxes into cupboards, rather than sorting their contents, some clear space appeared -
"Figure out what you need."

1. space to work
2. work to do

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't read the name of the book in the background, but I did find the Open Studios book at the library so I reserved it. I need the inspiration! I feel your pain! My studio is a mess right now too and needs a serious clean up! There are piles everywhere with no place to put anything. I finally did get the worst of the garage cleaned up; that took about 3 hours yesterday, but it looks and feels so much better!
