
15 May 2019

Woodblock Wednesday - using bright yellow

As half the class are new to woodblock printing, the "old guard" were asked to show some of our work, to give an idea of what's possible.

I talked about my experiments with circles, particularly with bokashi and overprinting -

Elizabeth has been basing her work on her watercolours 

Val tackles a variety of subjects and methods

Veronica has been focussing on getting the print right
Here's a good idea - keep a record of the colour mixes you've been using -
 By the time we'd chatted, the blocks had been soaked and the paper was damp enough for printing. After the brownbrownbrown of last week, I needed some colour and started with yellow -
 followed by ultramarine -
 and, on a previously yellow block, cerulean -
Another go with the cerulean -
 Nice colour but not what I was expecting!
 By now the blocks had dried out and the prints looked grainy -
The first block was on the reverse of the two "blue" ones, and had been lying on the damp towel, which helped get an even colour ... but I gave it too much pressure ....
 What would that yellow look like with the grey printed earlier?
 What about reprinting the grey shapes - but not background - in yellow?
 (No great shakes, but let's try something else with it next time...)

The morning's work -

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