
21 June 2019

Midsummer morning

A clear dawning on the longest day -
 On the way downstairs to take a pic of the sun-flooded studio
 the camera took one of those unwarranted pix -
 I got back to a fun little project started a few days ago -
 ...cutting up a magazine for "puzzle collage" ...

At first I was after solid colour but after a while bits of letters crept in, and that was much more interesting. It's interesting how, once you start something boring, it can evolve into something you never even thought of.

Today's arrangements -
Just laying them out was quicker than gluing them down. This first one was glued down as each piece came to hand, no chance to rearrange it -
 After that I laid them down carefully and did the cropping with the camera -

I'm thinking ahead to woodblocks that are just that, blocks - inkable in various colours.

Over breakfast I paged through last week's Weekend magazine and was delighted to see an "interior" that resembled my own -
 A heap of papers! Things left on little tables! Layers on the walls!

The article contrasts his childhood and his "reconstituted", un-messy living space and cleaning habits -
It's true, there are better things to do than obsessive tidying. What's your level of comfort?

While I think about that, I'm going to tear out that page and put it up on the wall.

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