
30 June 2019

Thinking about a new woodblock

Flipping through my drawing-tuesday sketchbook I found this "imaginative drawing" that evolved in the William Morris Gallery some months ago -
I happen to need an idea for a piece on "light" and there it was. Can (part of) it be turned into a woodblock print? Let it simmer...
 New day, some small quick renditions, to see what happens with different media -

 Maybe this is how....
 Hmm, reconsider the composition ....
 And how about a cosmic background? To get randomness, I sprinkled split lentils and drew around them -
 The block is ready to cut but I'm still working on the drawing ...
Lots of things feed in: unexpected things, like the shadow from multi-LED streetlights -
and deliberately sought celestial images -
humanoidhistory: “ Venus in transit, illustrated in Astronomy, 1875, by J. Rambosson ”
Constellation maps -

Another day -
 Endless tweaking ...

 ... and considering the printing sequence ...
Still not ready to risk all and start cutting! 

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