
08 August 2019

Poetry Thursday- Crows by Doug Anderson

Crows, my favourite bird (perhaps) ... and here's a lovely ironic dry-witted short poem about them, encountered via that source of Good Visual Things, instagram. (But who would expect to find poetry there??)

I'm a big fan of Carol Eckert's art - she sculpts birds and animals in cotton and wire -


The poet, Doug Anderson, is new to me.
"Doug Anderson served in the Vietnam war and his poems reflect the horrors, tragedies, and unlikely friendships of that tragic time. Upon returning home, Anderson earned his M.A. from the University of Arizona, and then settled in Northampton, where he began to write plays and poems in a workshop with Jack Gilbert. A meticulous, unerring chronicler, especially of his experiences in Vietnam, Anderson has published three volumes" (via)

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