
05 August 2019

This morning in the home studio

Actually these headless dolls have been sitting around for a few days - they are stuffed but the openings (at the back) not sewn up. I took them off the pinboard when they got in the way, and oh my, the dust.... But after a gentle hoovering they look as good as new.
 The challenge was to use lots of little bits of microwave-dyed fabric - thank you Ann Dingsdale for showing me how to do this, so many years ago! What we did was start with big pieces and then tear them in half to overdye. At the end of the day we split each piece of fabric and thus each had half of the final output, some with several layers of colour.

My sort-of-people are based on Korean costume (hanbok), with those long, banded sleeves.
Their headless state bothered me rather, and suddenly I realised that the traditional wrapped collar, exaggerated to great heights, would look like a head
All together in a happy dance - or defensive movement - hmm not sure...
 ... make of it what you will....
 Seen from above -
 Drawn from the photo -

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