
01 September 2019

Miscellany of the week

Yet more apples to cook and freeze - they are windfalls and obviously pesticide-free as each has its wormhole and messy core needing cutting away -

The never-ending saga of the railway bridge, once "home" to about a dozen rough sleepers, who were moved on by the barriers going up purportedly for a scheme to improve the lighting. That was in February, if memory serves.

Big bubbles at a funfair - fun, or humiliating? (or, claustrophobic??)

Lunch at a local cafe - pink tables and a choice of seating. And that Stroud Green Road view....

The grandbaby has returned from her holiday and is now a Big Girl. She has a new seat that expedites playing in the bath...
and another for use out of the bath, eg, joining in family meals. With both, she can't resist trying to get some or any part of it into her mouth, and size is no obstacle, not at first anyway; she gets That Look in her innocent blue eye and in an instant the mouth is approaching or has already reached the desired object -

Some of those windfall apples became a cake, whipped up by Tom -

Sunday morning in Priory Park, doing some bushwhacking the with conservation volunteers, revealing a hidden pond -

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