
11 December 2019

Woodblock Wednesday - bokashi and party

More variations on bokashi

 My own obsession, woodblock into book ... a sort of prototype, to be developed... it includes double-sided bokashi in the middle -

 Contemporary woodblock artists -

 And then in the evening, the Morley printmaking department Christmas party, at which I gave a talk about my current work, and how the woodblock prints are linked with book arts and textiles, and also with ceramics. Ready to go - all shall be revealed....
 And afterwards....

Good fun; I was glad to have the chance to review my arty-bits from a new perspective. In terms of books arts, I talked about the Museum Maze piece (2014) and the further books that used the "underfoot" theme, briefly known as "the feet suite".

It was pointed out (privately) that it might be interesting to work bigger. I agree!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like everyone had a great time! I commend you for sticking to a craft that seems difficult to master. I saw that there was a new book out that chronicles over two centuries of Japanese woodblock prints. It is called "Japanese Woodblock Prints (1680-1983)" and is written by Andreas Marks. I thought you might be interested.
