
30 December 2019

Reading ...

Something for Freya to be getting on with
... with Granny Helen -
25 November

22 December

24 December
27 December - she's getting good at turning the pages

... with G.Ma ( g-ma? Geemaw???) - Granny Margaret -
18 December
... and in the library -
16 December

26 December 2019

Christmas 2019

It's been a busy time, one way and another.

Today, a quiet morning and a chance to peacefully and appreciatively open the collection of cards kindly sent. It's amazing that the one from Germany reached me through the rain!
I'll be sending New Year "cards" by email, which saves paper and postage and allows funds to be diverted to various good causes (it's that time of year).

Over the past few days the joy of the season has centred around Freya, who has no idea what it all means but is just getting on with her fresh-every-day life. She's starting to crawl - watch out, world! -
The new puppets were a delight both to her and to all the adults who watched her reaction -
What she notices, and what she explores and returns to, is a constant surprise -

I got much pleasure from finding books on my shelves that might interest friends, and wrapping them in fabric from my stash -

(Actually it was a selfish ploy in the ongoing fight against the accumulation of possessions.)

More fabric wrapping, in the form of (book) bags -
When there are many to be made quickly, the algorithm simplifies itself. What evolved was a process of fabric (and cord) selection, approximate sizing, cutting or tearing inside and outside fabrics, sewing a "tunnel", pressing the drawstring casing, sewing it to the open ends of the (turned, pressed) tunnel, sewing up the sides, and threading the cord. Exact timing is unknown, but I can make one in less than half an hour, including finding suitable fabrics.

18 December 2019

Woodblock Wednesday - colourful!

The starting point for my colour swatches was a sunrise seen through the bathroom window. I'm looking for "something different"...
Mission Gold indigo plus Winsor & Newton permanent rose (left) and
Mission Gold vermillion (right)

Mission Gold cerulean plus permanent rose (left) and vermillion (right)

Mission Gold lemon yellow plus Rowney prussian blue (left) and Mission vermillion, with a bit of permanent rose in the darkest swatch
The colours in my photos have been distorted not just by the camera but also by being seen on screen -
... and some further variations ("no filter") ...

The combinations are starting points. After mixing the glorious bright colours, I used what was left on the palette - rather dull!

Tools, paper, paint  - it does tend to spread to all available space -
Veronica was very sensibly and methodically working on her xmas cards - this one is waiting for the green layer (holly leaf) and some dark red to sculpt the berries -

17 December 2019

Drawing Tuesday - William Morris Gallery

In the "William Morris and the Bauhaus" exhibition (till 26 January) I was drawin to the woven hanging, thinking a section might work as a woodblock print

 ... but it was the chairs that got the pencil going ...
 ... and also the 1920s coffee maker -

Najlaa was attracted to the exercises with simple shapes and colours -
Sue found a head-shaped vase by Gerhard Marcks ...
... a woven pattern ...
 ... and a William Morris design for printed cotton -

Villa on the Shore, by Lionel Feiniger, by Janet K -

 ... and this one by Gerhard Marcks, Nude with Towel, 1920 -

Joyce drew the Barret dress by Mary Katrantzou (2018), one of three garments on display in the exhibition space, at the top of the stairs -

Ceramics by William de Morgan, by 

 Judith examined Morris's Honeysuckle print -
 and as extracurricular activity, had redone the fante flag from last week -
More extracurricular activity from Janet K - she went to the Brunei Gallery during the week -

11 December 2019

Woodblock Wednesday - bokashi and party

More variations on bokashi

 My own obsession, woodblock into book ... a sort of prototype, to be developed... it includes double-sided bokashi in the middle -

 Contemporary woodblock artists -

 And then in the evening, the Morley printmaking department Christmas party, at which I gave a talk about my current work, and how the woodblock prints are linked with book arts and textiles, and also with ceramics. Ready to go - all shall be revealed....
 And afterwards....

Good fun; I was glad to have the chance to review my arty-bits from a new perspective. In terms of books arts, I talked about the Museum Maze piece (2014) and the further books that used the "underfoot" theme, briefly known as "the feet suite".

It was pointed out (privately) that it might be interesting to work bigger. I agree!