
12 January 2020

Berlin, June 2015

Clearing out some emails - apparently 14.4GB of the allotted 15GB is used. How many emails make a GB? 

June 2015, our month in Berlin, on a house exchange. Here is Tony sitting in the vast flat. The weather turned cold, and the heating for the building had been turned off weeks or perhaps months ago.

A few days later I wrote to a friend:
"While the washing is finishing (55 mins to go) Tony is working on his current filming project and I'll be choosing a few photos to add to the blog. We had a good excursion yesterday afternoon, to the Gemaldegalerie - an hour in the company of medieval paintings, which I love, "religious" content notwithstanding. The gold leaf and the rich colours, 700 years on, shine through time. You can't help but think about the people who made them, and those who looked at them. And I love how they're often panels of an altarpiece that were folded up most of the time and then opened at special times ... like books?? ... in fact they were "books" for illiterate people, like the memory sticks I saw at the Dahlem [ethnographic] museum on Tuesday, not with writing as such but with meaningful marks to prod the memory."

During the time in Berlin I continued with Drawing Tuesday and filled a sketchbook at various museums, while Tony sat at the big table in the cold flat and worked on his filming project, wrapped in blankets.

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