
21 January 2020

Drawing Tuesday - Docklands Museum

My plan for the drawing session was to find somewhere to sit and draw what was there. This was the second place I came to (the first was too near a repetitive, unstoppable audio track) -
The reflections in the mirrored cube were fascinating, and getting the angles of the paper was "interesting". It took me a while to notice the subtleties of the light reflected by the mirrors, and by the time I got to the near edge of the table, the sizes and angles of the papers needed a complete rethink! Of course the quick sketch at the bottom of the page, made from a slightly different angle at the end of the session, was much more "fun" to do and has a bit more "life" to it -

Others had found much more interesting subjects! (They had also found the sketching stools, and could sit anywhere.)

Janet B - costume on a model

Carol - lots of cogs on the machine

Janet K - that same machine from the other side....
... reworked (after lunch) to better fit "the machine"
 onto the page - do just a section!

Judith - grass outside the building, with raindrops

Sue - another costume!

Jo - a workbench, stretching into the distance

A visitor reading while her baby slept in its pram, drawn
(with her permission) by Helen

One of the Sailors Town shop interiors, by Joyce

Some extracurricular activity by Carol - this avid browser -

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