
30 June 2020

Drawing Tuesday - Favourite shoes

My warm up - after a prolonged breakfast, due to looking at shoes on the internet - was quickly drawn with the felt pen that lives in the little notebook, and wash was added with coffee and a finger -
My shoes are kept in rows on the bedroom floor. I chose the least dusty ones -
(top to bottom) Designer trainers;
Red "Tom's" canvas shoes;
Now my "studio shoes", one of the first Arche pairs bought in Paris, 1990s 
 ... and then remembered that all the summery shoes are still in the cupboard. Here are some of them, rendered with charcoal and, again, coffee for colour, but with a paintbrush this time -
Impulse buy at M&S last year, very comfy and walkable-in

The first shoes that I bought in Paris, early 90s -
"The Silver Sandals", love 'em.

From Ann - Grandson Leo's new shoes ...and look forward to seeing him in them soon!  Also my old riding boots from Derbyshire horserides, Scotland and even Grand Canyon! Deserve to be drawn...Happy memories...

From Richard - Pastel boots, then caran d’ache shoe and stretcher. Still trying to push the speed for spontaneity and inevitably that works better with the pastel - I can’t hide in the detail!  When will it feel safe to take the boot back for resoling?

From Judith - More boots! Also view from Bangkok skywalk 310m above street level tweaked to include my boots.

From Sue S - Here are some favourite shoes - some of which are now too tight (sadly) having been sitting overlong in a box waiting for a special occasion! Rendered in aquacrayon & caran d’ache.

From Janet K - One of my favourite pairs of shoes - yellow suede. I very seldom wear them so decided to draw them 'in situ'. Bought 22 years ago in a designer discount mall in LA. I was in LA to make a series of Levi's ads with a puppet called Flat Eric - who is yellow.

From Sue M -  Why did I pick some with laces?

From Jackie - These shoes were made for walking and that’s what Leo did…
 he finally took his first steps..ready for a while before then, he couldnt steady himself until grandma went on a shoe shop trip with the family….
He is now five and leaping about at all opportunities….intrigued that he once wore these! 

From Joyce -  these are the trainers I wear to Paracise and Zumba gold, will I ever wear them again?? Interesting patterns on them that I hadn’t noticed before.  

From Janet B - These sunshine shoes have already appeared twice on the blog, on my feet. I drew them yesterday with a 6B but decided that their glorious yellowness needed to be celebrated so I’ve had another fun morning in the garden colouring in.  

From Sue B  (introduced by Janet B) - We did art A level together and life drawing classes at Camden Arts Centre. Like me she left a long gap before taking up drawing again although she opted for landscapes. This is only her second close up since school.

From Mags - Last year for 30 Day Sketchbook 'footwear' prompt I drew my 20 year old sandals that I wear around the house ,giving just an indication of the patterned leather. Scaling up from A6 to A4 I should have stuck with that idea, it started well but spent way too long today shading in. Still , taking a rubbing of the sole was fun

From Gill - Feeling bold this morning. Son said I’m too fiddly so he gave me this oil stick.

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