
05 January 2021

Drawing Tuesday 22 Dec - red

 The theme is the colour rather than the object. You might have a red object, or red pens, pencils, whatever - or in this frustrating time you might be "seeing red" about something or other....

Or Matisse's red room may have been the first thing that came to mind....
(he's done red fish, red boots, red dancers too, according to Automatic Google)

Perhaps the red studio...

Or "The Dessert: Harmony in Red"

From Janet K - New red shoes - and nowhere to wear them! They will brighten up Christmas Day.

I was making a collaged card for a Christmas present and didn't use the roses so decided to put a few red bits together.

From Joyce - I’ve been playing with torn-edge collage with paper printed on my new toy, a Gelli printing plate!

From Mags - Memories of the "Longest Night" celebrations in Iran in 2007. The kelim was bought in Isfahan, resisted temptation to buy  a carpet with helecopters and Kalashnikovs...

From Ann - One of my very favourites is La Coiffure by Edgar Degas. It's so full of energy, a warm pulse of colours intense and intimate. The impact of reds orange and pinks ...

The second pic is bit over exposed but a gypsy dancer we saw in Avignon a year or so ago! She was just so amazing and vibrant...

From Sue Kay (aka Sue S) - a collage I did earlier in the year - it reminds me of rush-hour! I think I must stop adding bits to it now!! 

From Judith - Gnomes and Elves for the tree and a reminder of hot summer days.

From Jackie - ..a week late with the robot looking traditional corkscrew utensil….. surrealistically imposed onto red wine  followed below that by Miro’s Le Soleil Rouge…

From Sue B - my red amaryllis is finally flowering!!

From Najlaa - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

From Gill - Wishing you all the best for 2021!

From Richard - I sweated red cabbage and, as always, stared at the beautiful blue juice that runs. It thought to put that onto paper - starting to imagine some generic sky - but it is a very weak pigment. Then I reduced the liquid to intensify it. Wrong idea; it turned brown, but that’s interesting too. I have much to learn about natural dyes. So, the reason our Christmas dinner was so late …...

From me -  the grandbaby and I were drawing together; while she was being wildly expressive I made a tiny cockerel (of sorts) ... a dash of red (her crayon) and bits of black (my pen)  here and there, and it took shape -

She has produced several "masterpieces" that I'm looking to turn into woodblock prints. These two looked liked faces, so during the tracing I took out a few superfluous marks and made some of the lines thicker -

 The lines and dots could be monochrome or they might appear in a range of colours.

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