
12 January 2021

Drawing Tuesday - from/to the charity shop

Something you found in a charity shop and brought home - or something you've put into the bag with all the other donations, waiting for the charity shops to open again so as to get rid of more "stuff". 

I walk past a charity shop most days and often something in the window catches my eye, either as desirable or as A Big Mistake. At the moment, with the new lockdown in place, the windows are frozen in time - containing not particularly nice things, in a not particularly nice time....
That little fellow came from a charity shop about a year ago; 25p was the price on his head. A waving chick half-hatched from its egg. Bonkers! Irresistibly ludicrous and it cheers me up!

From Janet K Shoes waiting to go to the charity shop.

From Joyce - a toy dumper truck from a charity shop and soon to be on it’s way back, not played with anymore!

From Gill - This is a little vase I bought as it is perfect to put home grown flowers and greenery in for the dining table. After I had finished my collage I noticed that I had subconsciously taken the colour scheme from an old drawing next to it.

From Richard - My painting clutter grew so I found what I think must be a make-up container, in a charity shop. I think that was to be able to pack it all for our honeymoon, on which we did quite lot of painting, among other activities. 

From Judith - To Charity Shop: books, books and more books.

From Sue K - Deep concentration - kept losing my place! Why did l choose such a complex piece to draw?

From Mags - The tea strainer  bought  as  'shiny object' contribution  for City Lit drawing class has actually proved quite useful for its intended purpose. Which is more than can be said for Ian's cheese slicer which I haven't yet managed to sneak to the charity shop ... Practising drawing with left hand

From Jackie - I bought this beautiful wooden dolls house complete with furniture and occupants for £10.00 in a local charity shop. My grandsons aged 5 and 3 were delighted to invade it with their cars., parking them in the upstairs area🙃…. however eventually, just before the family relocated to Sweden, Max, then aged 7, started to play with it the way I had hoped…  I am waiting for their next visit from Sweden, whenever that might be... to see if it will still hold their interest! It certainly holds mine… I think I must be still waiting to grow up….

From Ann - I found this pitcher in a charity shop some years ago's such a great shape and texture I felt it would be great for still life paintings. Miss trips to charity shops ..such great finds!

From Carol - I brought this little egg cup with lid for 99p last year just because it was beautiful and I thought would be good to try and draw. It turned out to be ghost-like and a good challenge to look at the light shapes I really enjoyed drawing, it was 99p well spent.

PS it is too small even for small sized Tescos eggs! Perhaps that is why it was in the charity shop.
Am loving all the qurky things we feel compelled to buy.

From me - The cardinal virtues, from a manuscript from around the year 800. Found in "The Age of Charlemagne", published in 1965, which I got from a library book sale (Morley College) recently; the image in the book was monochrome, which made it "interesting" to get the tones -
The cardinal virtues are faith, hope, charity, justice, prudence/wisdom, temperance, courage/fortitude. 

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent information. I got some new ideas. Thank you for your post.

    Charity shop
