
03 August 2021

Drawing Tuesday - collage

Today's topic is that old favourite, "collage" -- "Art that results from an assemblage of different forms" - to which I would add "from a variety of sources" (eg prints, painted papers, that sort of thing).  Drawing with scissors, you might call it! Or, using scraps!

Here's a 2019 Scottish exhibition website with videos as well as blog resources - The "collage before modernism" video is a good use of 4 minutes of your time! And the "Coldwar Steve" video is only a little longer, and quite touching I thought.

If art history and theory float your boat, or if you've ever wondered, What does collage DO?, is an hour-long zoom lecture from the Courtauld. Might be nice to listen to while you're working on your own piece. "While collage initially emerged as a way to break the rules of traditional painting and monolithic sculpture, the term itself soon became the subject of debate and controversy, raising questions about its role as mediator between popular visual culture and high art". It starts with this charming bit of collage done by Picasso in 1908, drawing on a bit of cardboard that included a pasted label -

From Ann two collages created whilst on an online abstract course St Ives recently.The underlying subject is the view of London from Allypally.

From Gill - Decided to pimp up one of my prints with collaged flowers.

From Sue K -  my collage began with an empty coffee bean bag - l liked the colours - sliced it up & assembled new shapes after juggling around with the pieces. 

From Judith - Not sure what this is called, certainly not collage but involves building up in paper layers. An 18th and 70th birthday card from earlier this year.

From Najlaa - My collage with randomly Arabic letters. 

From Joyce -  I’ve been looking at Matisse’s “drawing with scissors” and have created these from drawings of leaves in my garden. The paper was painted with gouache first, then the shapes cut directly without drawing first. Sometimes I had to work back to front,taxing the brain!

From Mags - Collages  using materials from City Lit  Collage course purchases "Dinghy Ownership ( for the non-sailing man ) " meets "Greek Mythology"

From me - Using images from the previous week's Weekend magazine, I cobbled together these two monstrosities. 

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