
05 October 2022

Combining geometry and woodblock

 My first attempts to combine geometry drawings with woodblock printing were small, about 10cm x 15cm. Rather than standing the design nice and square, I had it tipping off the page -

Same idea, slightly different, a bit more interesting - and printed with rather random inking (using watercolour, not ink) -
Further inking experiments -

and combining blocks...

Other designs, not the right scale -

Interwoven -

After these came a larger printI was aiming to do a reduction print of some sort -
Even so a second block was needed, with other elements -

It didn't look very promising - 

So I started stitching, adding stars  ...

The threads are woven within each star -

A third block and a chance to try some other colours, why not -

New possibilities -

Would you call these monoprints? They're not strictly an edition! -
You can just about see the stitching on some of them.  The bottom row contains prints from the single blocks.

This one was printed in three stages, but hasn't been stitched yet -

Something to get back to, one day; possibly soon. I'd like some closure on this idea. Much as I appreciate the hexagon, it's a bit too "Grandmother's Flower Garden" for my current liking.

First step is to get individual photos of them all, and to arrange them from Best Favourite to least. I am resisting the temptation to sew them together into some sort of paper quilt!

Those have been languishing since May. In June I started thinking about the construction lines for the geometry drawings, and how they make nets containing the eventual shapes ... but that's another story ...

1 comment:

  1. i just love reading your posts where you share the teasing at the working out, of an idea or technique. A lesson to us all. Thank you
