
19 June 2007


Half price, half eaten. You don't get a lot of berries for your buck! Usually they come from Poland but these come from Spain. I'm looking forward to eating lots and lots of blueberries when we visit Pitt Meadows next month. As an adolescent I earned money for a bike and sundry such necessary luxuries by berry picking - after all, we lived round the corner from the biggest blueberry farm in the Commonwealth. These were hard-earned luxuries - pay was 5 cents a pound, and my record on one day was 105 pounds. Usually a whole day in the field got you four, five or six 10-pound buckets - sometimes the berries were small (Stanleys were small, Dixies were the biggest) or the bushes not very loaded. And picking blueberries meant leaving the green ones on the bush. Now the picking is done mechanically, and the remaining peat bog is used to grow cranberries.
At £1.49 for 150g, what's that a pound? £4.50, which works out at about 10 Canadian dollars. Wonder how much the Spanish pickers earn.

1 comment:

  1. We've been eating them too, but from another Supermassmarket. My son loves them and they make great eyes when I make his food into silly faces.
