
19 June 2007

Lucy Boston's quilts

I was thrilled to help turn over the pile of quilts kept on one of the beds, and was able to peer very closely at them. They're all hand done, piecing over papers in the traditional way. Apparently before her eyesight went, she "managed" 26 stitches an inch, and you can see the sewing thread between just about every thread in the fabric, where the pieces join - but only if you look very, very closely.These photos are from the postcards I bought. "Moon and stars" has the moons made up of many small pieces, and the fields of stars are made up of squares with embroidery, just straight stitches, making the other points. Points - ah yes - are very, very sharp. Impressive.
A symphony in greys, with the same fabric used in various ways.
Leaves and creatures, her only applique quilt.
And this kaliedoscope must have been a nightmare to plan!


  1. Oh thank you for these pictures. That Moon and Stars quilt is glorious. I'm going to have to make it to Cambridgeshire.

  2. I find myself planning a quilt with moon phases in my head this week. so Moon & Stars grabbed my attention, but they are all wonderful. Thank you for sharing them.

    I wonder, though if Lucy Boston really planned that kaleidoscope quilt ... or just made the parts, then arranged them so well?

  3. Popped over from Tonya's blog and I adore what I am reading/seeing. My mother and sisters are Lucy Boston fans and I think Mum has got her autobiography. I didn't know she made quilts.

    Are you based in London? I'm a Radio 4 addict too. Thank goodness for Digiboxes. Don't know what I would do without my Radio 4. Funny to think that you are sitting there sewing listening to the same programme as me (Desert Island Discs).

  4. I too came over from Tonya's blog. All these quilts are gorgeous. The Moon and Stars is very intricate, but I was especially taken by the kaleidoscope. Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
