
20 October 2007

7 facts, etc

... about myself? Both Linda and Sally tagged me for this....
1. the numbers in my birthday add up to the month (no, not the 41st...)
2. no middle name on my birth certificate
3. my flat has woodchip wallpaper everywhere AND I DONT CARE
4. favourite journey: over the Forth Bridge
5. chocolate? can't be bothered! give me red wine instead...
6. first knitted garment was a white mohair cardigan at age 15
7. my misspent youth was spent in Pitt Meadows, BC

ok, thanks for reading, and can we have 7 volunteers to carry on the 7 facts thing please?

Now for the photos.
Those seasonal pumpkins were growing in the compost heap (er, one of the several large compost heaps) at Rousham, near Bicester (pronounced Bisster, would you believe it);
andthe floor at Stanfords, the map shop in Long Acre, Covent Garden (which has 3 floors and has maps on the floor of 2 of them). In finding the link I found an 1862 map of London - at that time my street was called Stroud Green Lane, and there was a railway station (already) but not much else, not even Finsbury Park - though there was a Hornsey Wood in the vicinity of what's now the park.


  1. A large number 5 please waiter!

  2. Thanks for dropping by my blog:) 5x5 strange format, I find I have to work hard to avoid everything being symmetrical.
    as for no 5, I can't drink red wine so bring on the chocolate!!
