
24 October 2007

Before and after

This was my home from home for about 14 years, a luxurious amount of space yet tucked away. Everything (yes, even the clutter under the desk!) needed downsizing, ready for The Office Refurbishment.

Now we are to be battery hens, laying golden eggs...
Behind these desks are two tall grey metal cupboards filled with "everything"- our reference books, our hanging files; they have doors that it's just too much effort to keep closed. After a while you no longer see your surroundings, don't you?

We got rid of lots of dusty old books (collected by The Man From Skoob). The shelves wait to be filled, perhaps with items belonging to the "hotdeskers" who will be squeezed into that half of the room.
As I walk up the stairs of a morning, I wonder what it will be like not to come in to the office any more (retirement age is getting uncomfortably close). This refurbishment has been a good opportunity to clear out the things that needed to be cleared sometime soon, but it's also been traumatic. For everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Don't hesitate! Retirement is good. You have lots of interests ... and you will be able to choose what you want to do. The amazing thing is that they pay you to do it! I loved my work - highschool teacher - and I love my retirement!
