
19 March 2010

Sculpture week 11

Hard to believe that I spent almost the entire day painting my surface. First the two layers had to be glued together - two full panels of foamcore for the top layer, and a full panel and two half panels for underneath. That had to dry. Next step - cover the top with a layer of net, held on with more pva glue. That had to dry, and then the surface could be turned over and the edges of net brought round to the back. And glued on.This textures the top a bit, as the net doesn't want to lie flat - here's a closeup on my sample, after painting with emulsion paint. Also, putting the net round the edges makes them look more finished -
This (porcelain) ladder to go up the side didn't take long to make -It came home wrapped around the invitation card, so it wouldn't get tangled up -
And here's the invitation - and click here for the link to info on the City Lit website.
Looks like I'll be stewarding on Weds 12-2 (and at the PV 6-8), Thurs 2-6, Friday 4-8, Saturday 10.30-12 -- in room 308 -- so if you happen to be in the neighbourhood, do drop by!

The weekend - and Monday - is for setting up the show, and looks set to be fairly busy.... On Tuesday, it's the internal assessment - we get a day off. The external assessor goes round on Friday - and we take all our stuff home, somehow, on Saturday afternoon.


  1. Good luck with the show - wish I could come along. Have enjoyed taking this artful journey with you over the last couple of years, thanks for sharing.

  2. Congrats, and best of luck with it all. Wish I could see it in person, I've been lusting over those incredible ceramic pieces you've been making. Hope you'll take ample photos to share with us!
