
19 March 2010

Setting up

When I arrived at City Lit (after work) people were gathered and clearing out the various rooms that would be used for the exhibition. These marks on the floor will have to be scrubbed off later -The plinths and boards are ready - they just have to be moved to the right rooms. Just about everyone turned up to help set up, so there was plenty of people-power -
Easels have to be folded up small and stacked on the sink area -
Paying close attention to the health&safety talk -
The familiar sculpture room, crowded with benches, suddenly looks very spacious -
As luck would have it, the first corner to be put up is part of "my space" -
And here it is ... suitably gloomy -
The room next door is larger and will be more complicated to set up -
Once all the rooms have been configured, the painting of screens starts... some time tomorrow ...

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