
20 March 2010

"Shadows from the past"

A parking lot that used to be a building, the wall carrying those traces. Found on this blog.

And then there's this well-known image, by Lubomir Bukov -These pix of Rosewell Ruins, Gloucester, Virginia were taken by Drew -
Why this collection of photos? It's a way of researching images ... starting with an adventitious photo that "says something" to me and then trying to figure out what it's saying, and how it says it. I've used the words that were used to describe the first photo to find the others (via google images). Sometimes you can't articulate "what they're saying" at the moment you find the pictures. What was it Cezanne said - "He unfolds, as a painter, that which has not yet been said; he translates it into absolute terms of painting--something other than reality." This research is the oscillating opposite of that process.

One more, from a portfolio of industrial archaeology images by Paul Schafer -

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Out of curiosity, where are the ruins in Gloucester?
    I used to live there and don't remember these.
