
12 October 2012

Art I like - Dominie Nash

"Big Leaf 25" is in Dominie Nash's solo show in Frederick, MD. She has long been fascinated with the shape and structure of leaves, and has printed fabric with very large leaves in tones of black, gray and white to produce the 13 quilts in the exhibit. You can see the entire Big Leaf series at

On her website she says: "I have been asked numerous times why I don’t paint instead of making quilts, since my work seems far from its traditional roots. My answer is that the work would not be the same; there are qualities inherent in art made of fabric and thread: the particular depth of the colors, the layers, and the texture of the stitches, that can’t be duplicated in another medium. Handling and placing the fabric to create a composition is a totally different process than working with brush and canvas or paper. I don’t wish to emulate or compete with painting, but rather to make good quilts, which reflect these special characteristics."

The "Stills from a Life" series has intrigued me for quite a while now. In #41, it's the way the colours work that appeals - how the colours interlace with the rhythm of the shapes -
In #12 (2003), I like the juxtaposition of the two different viewpoints - looking from one to the other, you seem to be moving in the physical space of the room; or does it show the evolution of the scene over time, some elements moved slightly or replaced by similar ones ... you keep looking back and forth to check -
Moreso, it's the monochrome work that really grabs me. This smaller piece is New Leaf Improvisations #3
In relation to monochrome, the saying that comes to mind is "Tone does the work, but colour gets the credit". Not to forget that composition is important too ... and perseverance with an idea. Do go to Dominie's website for inspiration on how to develop a series.

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