
13 October 2012

The Sketchbook Project is open for business at Canada Water Library. Hours are:
Sat 13 Oct, 11am-5pm
Mon 15 - Fri 19 Oct, 4-8pm

You get a library card (it's free) and then can sign out two sketchbooks at a time.
 I looked at many books on my own chosen topic, Along the Line. The first I saw, by Australian calligrapher Tricia Smout, went beyond the "sketchbook" concept into artists book. I admired its cohesion - a line went through the book, and along it were various quotes -
 Another book with a unified concept was by another Australian, Cameron Hibbs - the spirals got smaller as you went through the book -
 These lines in Sandra Borbach's sketchbook appealed to me -
See all of Claire Heminsley's sketchbook here -
This is by Nicola Perren -
Sandy was looking at the Stitches & Folds category, and found this gorgeous book by Henriette Coppes of the Netherlands, who gives a website but unfortunately I can't access it... Black paper, treated with slashes, piercing, pencil marks, alternates with pages of cloth treated in various ways -


  1. Cool!! Look forward to going on Monday. I see someone has already looked at mine !

  2. I was there yesterday too! We could have said hello in person. You seem to have had a better interaction with the Project than I did, which is good.

  3. Nice discoveries through your blog : Sandra Borbach, Domini Nash ... I'll keep an eye on you !!
    FR Contemporary virtual gallery
